When my own mother made the "great change" from
one world of God to another, 'Abdu'l-Bahá wrote a very
beautiful tablet to me, in which He spoke of my mother
as being "in the garden of rejuvenation." One day a friend,
who had not yet heard of the tablet of the Master, told
me of a vivid dream she had of my mother, whom she
had known and loved.
(She said) "I seemed to be in a marvelous garden,where every type of rare and beautiful flower wasin bloom. Moving about among the flowers was ayoung girl. She seemed to be a in a state ofinexpressible joy over the loveliness of her garden.Her voice, as she chanted, was full of the ecstasy ofa complete happiness. She listened to the song ofbirds, and inhaled the odor of the flowers as thoughshe were filling her soul with their fragrance. Suddenlyshe turned towards me, as though conscious thatsomeone was there beside herself. The young girlfacing me with an enchanting smile was your mother,in the full beauty of youth."
~ Lady Blomfield
(An Early Baha'i from the UK)
In her book entitled "The Chosen Highway"
p. 216